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Main  ->  Blogs  ->  A very big bodied 9” inch billie went down!!!

A very big bodied 9” inch billie went down!!!

What an adventure! I first contacted Hans a couple of years ago about my first big Mountain hunt - the majestic mountain goat. The year 2020 has been a tough year as I battled and beat lymphoma. I trained during and after treatment. Hans met me at the baggage claim as soon as I landed. We spent a couple of nights in Juneau due to weather. It was fun walking around Juneau. After a mostly day long trip down the coast, we stopped for me to check my Hill Country Rifle 6.5 PRC. It was dead on. 
We climbed for 3 days. We would spot goats and then go after them. It was hard climbing for this Texas flatlander. But Hans, Lucas and Nataliia were very encouraging. Finally, on the fourth day we spotted a nannie and nice billie from the skiff and went after him. Lucas is an awesome guide. We climbed and then sneaked through some trees to the edge of a roaring mountain stream. Luckily, we didn’t scare the billie. Lucas said the billie is the one on the right. Hold for 267 yard. I secured a solid rest with my backpack and bipod. I fired one shot and the billie walked about 3 or 4 steps and went down. A very big bodied 9” inch billie!!!
The culmination of 4 days of hard work. It is what makes the mountain goat the most difficult of all north American animals to hunt. Hans and Nataliia are wonderful hosts. Very comfortable boat and excellent home cooked meals! Special thanks to Lucas Mullen! They work so hard for your success. 
Jeffrey Garrett

Southeast Alaska Guiding | PO Box 240266 | Douglas, Alaska 99824 USA | Cell: 907-209-2109 | Email: hans@seaguiding.com | Copyright 2012 - All Rights Reserved